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Autonomous Vehicles and the Promise of an Automotive Revolution
July 13, 2024

Developing autonomous vehicles (AVs) is universally considered to be a herculean task by industry experts and computer scientists, but within the past 20 years Silicon Valley has made significant headway.…


Australia’s Bold Move: Reshaping Future Migration
July 10, 2024

Reviewed by: Jeff Borland (Professor of Economics at the University of Melbourne)   With the stroke of a pen, Australia's migration landscape has shifted dramatically. On the 11th of December…


The CFA Franc and the Question of Monetary Sovereignty
July 9, 2024

Cover image source: DW The French Empire once dominated Western and Central Africa, encompassing the territories of thirteen modern day sub-Saharan countries. Following the independence of their African colonies, France…


About Us

is a commerce-centric student society founded at the University of Melbourne in 2011 with the purpose of bridging classroom theory with industry practice.


Learn new concepts centered around economics and finance, grounding theoretical understanding with real-world application.


Develop industry understanding first-hand by interacting with experienced professionals and students from different disciplines.


Make the most of your university experience, create lasting relationships between like-minded students and alumni.