Upfront Costs, Lifelong Gains: The Investment Case for University
April 19, 2024

Every year, Year 10 students in Australia face a critical decision: pursue further education or enter an apprenticeship. This choice has lasting impacts on their income potential and career trajectory.…


Government and Consulting: A Reliance Open To Abuse
May 22, 2023

Recent scandals are a culmination of the dubious relationship between government and consultants. Join Miles, Hirushi and Andrew as they explore consulting's history, recent scandals and the path forward.


The CAINZ Digest is published by CAINZ, a student society affiliated with the Faculty of Business at the University of Melbourne. Opinions published are not necessarily those of the publishers, printers or editors. CAINZ and the University of Melbourne do not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of information contained in the publication.